I've known about wikis for quite a while now. The poster-child is Wikipedia which has all sorts of interesting information. But until recently, I never really did anything but read them.
At work we installed a wiki on our internal server. It seemed like a good way to let employees add their own documentation and other important company information. And then suddenly I found that I was enjoying it. The wiki made it easy to put up content, and being empty it cried out for me to start adding pages.
Before I knew it we had stared documenting all kinds of things. Then we installed the Trac project management tool to help us manage our main project. Lo and behold, it has a wiki too! Now I'm finally getting around to adding documentation for our project!
This week I decided that I would go ahead and start working on my game (see my previous post). So what did I do? I created a wiki on my home computer for my game.
I think I've got some kind of wiki fever!